[10] Sodhi R, Chen H, Yang S P, et al. TOF-SIMS analysis of kidney stones possibly induced by the ingestion of melamine- containing milk products[J]. Surface & Interface Analysis, 2011, 43(1‐2):313-316.
发布人:王国凤  发布时间:2017-03-14   动态浏览次数:38

Abstract: Ingestion of melamine contaminated food likely product kidney stones and may leads to acute kidney failure in mammals. In this study, ToF-SIMS has been applied to imaging the micro structure of kidney stone samples, revealing information of the micro structure of different stone samples. Our data indicate that the melamine-induce stones were formed by different mechanisms.However, information obtained using other techniques is also required to correlate the detailed differences in the microstructure of the stone samples with the formationmechanism. Copyright_c 2010 JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: TOF-SIMS; kidney stones; melamine; DESI/SDAPCI-MS; EESI-MS;mass spectroscopy

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